Clue 9
Color Placement on Image
White - Background
Gray - Accent
Black - Main
From 4 1/2" strip: Cut 8 - 4 1/2" squares
From 5 1/2" strip: Cut 4 - 5 1/2" squares
From 4 1/2" strip: Cut 2 - 4 1/2" squares
From 5 1/2" strip: Cut 4 - 5 1/2" squares
Shorten Stitch Length to 2.0
Quarter Square Triangles
Using the background and main 5 1/2" squares, draw a diagonal line on the back of one square.
Lay the background and main squares RST.
Sew 1/4" away from the line on both sides.
Cut on the drawn line and the opposite diagonal (both solid lines on the figure below), creating 4 triangles.
Press seams open.
Layout background and main sections of 2 triangle sections opposite one another.
Lay triangles RST and pin seam allowance.
Sew together.
Press seam open.
Carefully square QST to 4 1/2"
4 1/2" QST
Repeat 7 times for a total of 8 background/main QSTs
Layout 2 - 4 1/2" background squares and 1 - QST. Sew together into a row according the the image below. Repeat for a total of 4 identical rows.
Press seams open.
Layout 2 - triangle units and the 4 1/2" accent square according to the image below.
Sew triangle units to the sides of the accent square.
Press seams open. Make 2 rows.
Complete the Block:
Layout the previously sewn rows according to the image below.
Sew the rows together to complete the star.
Press seams open.
Block should measure 12 1/2".
Repeat to make 2 blocks.
Completed 12 1/2" Block