Clue 5
HST = Half Square Triangle
Shorten Stitch Length to 2.0
Color Placement on Image (You will also make HSTs with other combinations. See below.)
White - Background
Black - Main
From 6" strip: Cut 4 - 6" squares
From 8" strip: DO NOT trim entire strip to 6", but cut 2 - 6” squares
From 6" strip: Cut 6 - 6" squares
From 6" strip: Cut 4 - 6" squares
From 8" strip: DO NOT trim entire strip to 6", but cut 2 - 6” squares
Half Square Triangle (HST) 8 at Once Method: See Figures Below.
Place two 6" squares (one background and one main) RST.
Draw an X from corner to corner on the wrong side of one square.
Pin squares together.
Sew 1/4” away from the drawn lines on both sides. Figure 1.
Cut the square in half vertically and horizontally, then cut on the drawn lines. Figure 2. Press seams open.
Square HSTs to 2 1/2".
Repeat with the other sets of 6" squares.
Each set will yield 8 HSTs.
Make 3 sets of each for a total of:
24 - Background / Main HSTs
24 - Background / Accent HSTs
24 - Main / Accent HSTs