Clue 10
Color Placement on Image
White - Background
Gray - Accent
Red - Main
Cut Sashing from Background: Please label as indicated.
From 2 1/2" strip: Cut 4 - 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" - Label these A
From the 4 full 4 1/2" x width of fabric strips:
Strip 1: Cut 3 - 4 1/2" x 12 1/2" - Label these D
Strip 2: Cut 3 - 4 1/2" x 12 1/2" - Label these D
Strip 3: Cut 4 - 4 1/2" x 8 1/2" - Label these C and 1 - 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" - Label this B
Strip 4: Cut 2 - 4 1/2" x 8 1/2" - Label these C and 3 - 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" - Label these B
Before continuing, be sure you have a total of:
4 - 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" - A
4 - 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" - B
6 - 4 1/2" x 8 1/2" - C
6 - 4 1/2" x 12 1/2" - D
Press all seams open.
Create Unit 1 A/B
Carefully layout the A/B units, paying particular attention to the orientation of the 4 patch blocks.
Sew one friendship star to one 4 patch, being sure the accent square is in the lower left corner.
Sew one piece A to the left of one 4 patch, being sure the accent square is in the lower left corner. Sew piece B the right of the assembled unit.
Sew the two block sets together to create Unit 1 A/B according to the image below. Make 2.

Completed Unit 1 A/B - Unit should measure 12 1/2". Set aside for use in Rows 1 & 2.
Create Unit 2 A/B - **These are similar, but NOT identical to Unit 1 A/B.**
Carefully layout the A/B units, paying particular attention to the orientation of the 4 patch blocks.

Sew one piece A to the right of one 4 patch, being sure the accent square is in the lower left corner. Sew piece B the left of the assembled unit.
Sew one friendship star to one 4 patch, being sure the accent square is in the lower left corner.
Sew the two block sets together to create Unit 2 A/B according to the image below. Make 2.

Completed Unit 2 A/B - Unit should measure 12 1/2". Set aside for use in Rows 3 & 4.
Create C/D Units.
Layout the 8 1/2" star block with pieces C and D.
Sew C to the bottom of the 8 1/2" star block. Press seam open. Sew D to the right of the star along the long side. Press seams open.

Completed C/D Units. Unit should measure 12 1/2". Make 6 identical units.
Press seams open after sewing each row.
Sew blocks together to create Row 1:

Sew blocks together to create Row 2:

Sew blocks together to create Row 3:

Sew blocks together to create Row 4:

Sew Row 1 to Row 2
Sew Row 3 to Row 4
Sew the Row 1/2 unit to the Row 3/4 unit to complete the interior quilt.
Do NOT cut borders until the interior of the quilt top is complete (to ensure extra fabric in the event of a cutting/ sewing error).
Background: 1st Inner Border
Trim the previously cut 3" x WOF strip to 2".
Cut an additional 3 - 2" x WOF strips
Accent: 2nd Inner Border
Cut 6 - 3" strips
Main: Outer Border
Cut 6 - 5" strips
Cut 7 Binding strips (2 1/4" or 2 1/2", whichever you prefer)
Apply Borders:
Measure the quilt top and bottom. Sew strips together to equal that measurement. Sew inner border strips to the top and bottom. Press to inner border.
Measure both sides of the quilt top. Sew strips together to equal that measurement. Sew inner border strips to both sides of the quilt. Press to inner border.
Repeat with each border.
Quilt requires 4 1/8 yards of fabric, which allows 4" for quilting on all sides.
Quilt and Bind as desired.
Thank you so much for joining us for the Mystery Quilt! We hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have!
Stay tuned... Bonus Clue Coming next week!