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BONUS Clue 11

Thank you for joining us for the Mystery Quilt!

As a BONUS Clue, we invite you to join our Mystery Scrap Contest!

Here's how it works:
Complete your mystery top - does not need to be quilted and bound, just completed top - to ensure you have enough fabric (and fabric for binding) before starting on a scrap project. No one needs the anxiety of not having enough fabric to finish a quilt because we started a side project with what we thought for sure would be scraps. 

Create a scrap project of your choice - it can be anything you choose and does not have to be quilted or bound for submission.

Submit a photo of your completed mystery top and your scrap project by 11:59pm Saturday, June 13, 2020 to with Subject Line Mystery Contest Entry.

In fairness to all participants and for organizational purposes, submissions must be emailed, not messaged or posted to facebook. 
If you have completed two mystery quilt tops, you may submit two entries. 
Contest entry gives Creative Fires permission to email or post the photo of your submission. 

I will compile all of the photos and create an email with all of them for our email customer base to see and vote the week of June 15-20.
Details on voting will be in the email. 

The winner of our Mystery Scrap Contest will win a MYSTERY prize valued at over $100 from Creative Fires! 
Prize will not be mailed. Curbside or in store pick up is required to claim the prize.

Thanks again for joining us and we can't wait to see what you create with your scraps!

Contact Us
  • Creative Fires, LLC
  • Ph: (937) 327-9420
  • Fax: (937) 327-9421
  • Address: 1525 Progress Dr.
  • Springfield, OH 45505
  • Hours: Tues-Fri 10a - 5p
  • Sat 10a - 3p *CLOSED Sun-Mon
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